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Time Well Invested

Have you ever completed a project and then looked at it and asked yourself why?  Why didn't I take the extra time to add that extra border? Or I wish I would have switched out that color to the other one that looked better?  Well, I'm happy to say that I won't be asking myself those questions when I'm done with Matt's quilt.

I have made a bunch of tshirt quilts and each one is unique.  I make them that way on purpose. I add that extra decoration or embroider that special something on it.  To be honest, I was really dreading embroidering the soccer saying onto the quilt border.  I knew it would take hours to do and it has. I've probably logged ten extra hours adding that phrase.  But now that it's almost done, I'm soooo happy that I did!

Speaking of embroidering or appliqueing, I wanted to share a little tip I learned out of sheer frustration!  After appliqueing the first "O", I had to use a needle to pull up the center of the "O" in order to trim the material out before running the satin stitch around it.  Pretty frustrating and I was afraid I would clip the orange part of the quilt in the process. So here's my tip.  Before you add the (blue) material, cut a slit in the material where the center of the "O" will be (or any other letter that has a center piece like an "A" or "D").  This will make it easier to slip your scissors in when you trim around the shape of the letter.  (See picture below.)


Here it is!  I really love the way it makes the quilt look finished.  Now, I wonder what I can embroider on the bottom border?   

Happy Quilting ya'll!


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