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Thoughtful Gifts

I gave Matt's parents his finished quilt and they were ecstatic about it! I told Matt's dad about my idea for a quilt design wall. I have very little room for one. So I explained what it is and how I'd like the panels large enough to hang or stand in front of my shelves. He asked if I wanted it finished and fancy. I told him that I basically just needed a wooden frame. I'm a simple girl. I need something practical, not pretty! We joked about it and I figured he'd forget about our conversation.

I got a surprise tonight when Matt's dad, Mark, knocked on our door with two wooden frames exactly the right size. It wasn't anything elaborate, but was such a thoughtful gift. My husband and I are blessed with such great friends. 

The wooden frames are constructed from 1 x 4 boards cut to fit exactly in front of my shelves. The 1 x 4's are light enough that I can move them aside when I need access. I had bought a quilt design wall sheet by Fons & Porter from Amazon. My husband helped me staple the sheet onto the frame. And voila'! A simple, yet useful design wall! And yes, those are large binder clips I'm using to hold it against the shelving unit...for now. I'm one happy girl! 

Happy quilting ya'll!


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